
Our Pastorates

"Our church's pastorates are vibrant and nurturing communities led by dedicated pastors. Focused on spiritual growth and fellowship and through worship, study, and outreach, our pastorates play a vital role in fostering a strong sense of community within our church family."

Our Institutes

Our institutes proudly offer exceptional educational opportunities, fostering a dynamic learning environment for both boys and girls. With a commitment to academic excellence, our schools and colleges aim to empower students with knowledge, skills, and values that shape their future success."

Our Departments

Our church boasts 22 diverse departments, including education, medical, youth, women's fellowship, child care ministry, and socio-economic development. Each department plays a crucial role in enriching the lives of our community through various impactful programs and initiatives

Our Church Council

Our church council, led by the esteemed Bishop as Chairman, comprises eight dedicated members who bring diverse expertise and unwavering commitment. Together, they provide visionary leadership, guiding our congregation towards spiritual growth, community engagement, and the fulfillment of our church's mission.